
The Excelsior Bonifico Company offers a variety of strategic and support services to technology innovators and to technology investors. We typically tailor our methods and deliverables to meet the business needs of our clients. Thus the list of services provided here is representative rather than exhaustive.
Services for Technology Innovators
  • IP Strategy Evaluation – opinion on whether current IP efforts support stated, desirable, and realistic business objectives. Includes recommendations for what, if any, further investment is appropriate.

  • Patent Plan – specific recommendations for the development of a practical patent portfolio. Typically performed in conjunction with patent counsel.

  • IP Business Plan – operating plan for a strategic IP program. Focused on patents, though addresses trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets if desired. Suitable for internal and investor audiences.

  • Advisory Board Membership – periodic review of operations to insure IP Business Plan is being effectively followed.

Services for Technology Investors
  • IP Investment Recommendation – analysis of a firm’s IP potential for licensing revenue and product protection.

  • Business Plan Tune-up – specific recommendations for increasing the immediate and long-term value of a portfolio company.


Each type of service we provide is billed at a rate that reflects its value. Our rates may be adjusted for clients who engage EBCo in long-term professional relationships.